

Item 1- The Association is called ‘The Association of Construction and Women’, abbreviated as ‘İVKAD’. The main branch of  the association is located in ‘İstanbul,TURKEY’. Other branch offices may be established inside and outside the country in the future.
The aim of the association and the work issues , work models and fields of activity  in order to achieve this aim.

Item 2- The aim of the association is , to strengthen the presence, promote the status, and to contribute to the increase of employment of women in the construction sector; To ensure the dialog, communication, solidarity and cooperation between women who already work or wish to work in the future in the construction sector; To meet at a common platform with women from all sections of the society to engage in activities and do business together .
Work issues & models to be sustained by this association
1.To engage in such activities as to strengthen the presence of women in the construction sector ; to support the personal and career development of all women who work in any area which complements and supports the construction sector including architects, civil engineers, interior designers, urban planners, landscape architects, mechanical & electrical engineers, survey engineers, geology and geophysics engineers, technicians, designers, restorators, technical staff, vocational school graduates etc..; To increase the employment rate and improve the working conditions of highly-qualified woman workers.
2.To support female students who are just getting prepared to begin their career and who have career goals in the construction sector ; To provide scholarships to those who are in need.
3.To provide an electronic data base of female human resources for women who aim to have a career in the construction sector.
4.To give assistance: To eliminate all sex-based discrimination and to encourage and support more women to work in the construction sector in order to break down the monopoly of one gender in this sector;  To support women who aim to work in this sector in developing themselves and achieving their career goals;  To provide technological and scientific education in the light of the developments in the construction sector;  To provide any kind of education which will help career development of women in the construction sector, organise panels and seminars.
5.To support women promote to important positions in construction and management technologies by carrying out  joint projects with both national and international firms on increasing research and development activities in the construction sector.
6.To enable women who are willing to work in this sector but do not have the necessary education for, with the necessary education in order for them to gain their economic freedom, to support the education of  craftswomen , to develop joint projects with the private and public sector for this purpose ..
7.To support our members against the sex based discrimination in the construction sector within legal limits in order to increase the number of women craftworkers in the field.
8.To cooperate with any other foundation, association and  public institution  which have similar goals and to coordinate activities.
9.To encourage providing Turkish women with similar oportunities as especially  UN countries’ women workers which have the most effective image at international platforms considering the international laws and regulations.
10.To organize a series of courses, seminars, tours, conferences, panels, open forums, symposiums, competitions, commemorations, travels, to open exhibitions, to attend to social activities such as movies ,video shows, theaters, etc. , in accordance with the aim of this association and within the framework of national and international laws and regulations.
11.To supply all the necessary information, certificatea, documents and publications necessary to achieve the aim, to constitute a documentation center, to get into contact with newspapers, magazines, book publishers in order to announce related activities .
12.To provide an efficient work environment, to supply all the necessary technical instruments and materials, permenent equipment, stationeries, etc in order to achieve our aim.
13.To organise aid campaigns after getting the necessary permits from necessary authorities and  to collect national and international donations
14.To compose a clubhouse, to establish social and cultural facilities and to furnish them for the benefit of members as to evaluate their free time.
15.If necessary, to declare a trust or federation in order to realize the aims of the organization or to join an existing federation, to establish an assosiation by supplying permits from necessary authorities.
16.To be active in international platforms, to join international associations or instutions and  to arrange project-based joint activities or to help each other in general.
17.To receive or give financial aid from /to similar associations , employee and employer unions and other instutions in order to realize the aim of the association.
18.If necessary in order to achieve the aim, arrange joint projects with public enterprise and institutions – in accordance with the clauses of law 5072 which regularize the relations of associations and foundations with public enterprise and institutions .
19.If necessary, to open branch offices or representatives nationally or internationally.
20.In the areas related to the aim of the association and in the areas not prohibited by the law, to compose common platforms together with other associations or with similar foundations, union and also non-governmental organizations.

Bağış ve Aidat

İnşat ve Kadın Derneği
Türkiye İş Bankası- Balmumcu Şubesi
Hesap Numarası:1135 823360
IBAN: TR920006400000111350823360



2009 yılında, Kadınların inşaat sektöründeki varlıklarını güçlendirmek, statülerini artırmak, inşaat sektöründe kadın istihdamının artmasına katkıda bulunmak; bu sektörde çalışan veya çalışmak isteyen kadınlar arası diyalog, iletişim, dayanışma ve yardımlaşmayı sağlamak, toplumun tüm kesimlerinden kadınlarla ortak bir platformda bir araya gelip, yasalara uygun faaliyetlerde bulunmak ve çalışmalar yapmak  amacıyla kurulmuştur.


  • info@ivkad.org
